How to get more Experience

In today's world and getting that dream job it's hard. The markets are fierce. Everyone seems to have some sort of secondary school or background job experience. If you're feeling hopeless.. Like I often do, there are some things you can do to gain experience. Some of these may or may not apply to you, but think about it and I'm sure it can be spun in a way to match with most people. Let's take a look now shall we?

1. Volunteer 
I know, if you're not into volunteering you're probably thinking "oh no not something I don't get paid for". Unfortunately, this is one of the best ways to get recognized and looks good on a resume. Depending on what you did in school you can volunteer anywhere and it will look good because you are spending your free time helping out, networking, making friends, and learning some valuable life skills. Most communities or universities have a place where you can go in and pretty much say "I need a place to volunteer, help me". And they'll be happy to help you. This can be pretty helpful and a few hours of your day you may have just spent in bed can help you land that dream job. 

2. Blogging
If you already blog, you're on the right track. Blogging is again putting your own time, energy, and thoughts into a few blog posts a week and creating a portfolio for yourself. You're pretty much saying "Im interested in this topic and I'm good at it"! It also shows that you have a lot of self motivation and passion for what you love. Especially, if your posts are somewhat geared towards what you want to do with your career. For me, I want to do social media marketing with a firm somewhere and writing my blog posts every Friday on business and media is helping me build a portfolio and talk about something I'm interested in. 

3. Work term and/or apprenticeship
This one is very helpful. Getting a work term or an apprenticeship means you're already on the right track. You're gaining experience and learning valuable skills that are relevant to you and maybe even getting paid to do it. A lot of universities and businesses take part in this. Search around, even top companies like Disney have an online application form you can feel out and try to get a work term with. Just search around and you should spot something. 

4. Another Piece of Paper
If you've been trying for a while to get a job and have tried the above, another piece of paper saying you know this could be that extra bit of leverage you may need. Now whether that piece of paper is a degree, Master's, certificate, or extra classes is up to you. A lot of places offer online certificate programs that add to a degree or certificates you may already have. This will give you a little bit of something extra so you can stand out a little more compared to your other former classmates who may be looking at the same job as you. 

5. Keep Trying
It can be a very stressful task when you keep getting rejected by the jobs you want. Just don't give up! Or even keep trying, same place or different places. I actually have a friend who wanted a job so bad she kept calling the place every second day asking if it had been filled, she left a very determined impression and she got the job! That may not work everywhere, but there's another idea! Always remember to try and show your passion and determination. 

Some other simple things that could help: 
-Start a club: shows your passion and self motivation
-Start your own business or selling products on your own time: sometimes Avon helps, again this can show your time management skills and self motivation to do things unsupervised.
-Hobbies: This is actually very important sometimes on your resume. A hobby can say a lot about who you are and what you value. Sometimes potential employers will look at it and be like "cool I do that too" or think you a very well rounded person. Same with joining classes like dance or another language can show some self actualization. 

Never give up on your dream job! Get experience & life skills and always remember you can do it! 
Hope you found this helpful or motivating! If you have any other tips I don't have mentioned please feel free to share! 

Jessie xx 

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