The Cram for Exams

So, if you're like my sibling you have classes on Fridays and were gifted with a snowstorm today... Yay! If you're like me and don't have classes, but have work you still have to go to... I feel for you.
 For most universities in Canada right now, today is the official last day of classes and then it's finals and then it's CHRISTMAS! Now, that middle section there is what's going to damper your spirits.
Therefore, today I thought I would do a study post again since again exams are so close. So, here are some tips on studying if you have maybe been slacking off this semester or also have a lot of hours at your job during exam time!

1. Sleep
Yup, make sure you get those 8 hours of sleep. It's important, makes you feel better, and is actually good for remembering what you've studied the night before. It helps put your information into your long term memory rather than keeping it in short time. So, sleep dear child.

2. Eat
I'm just going to cover the basics obviously at first. Make sure to eat healthy foods and all your meals. Your brain can't function properly on just a pop tart you had 5 hours ago. Make sure you are eating decent meals and protein too!

3. Exercise
Exercising can also help you study better. It also gets you moving especially since during the week you would normally be walking all over campus, but now you're just in one spot for hours. When you get moving your brain gets moving so, hop on a treadmill or do some small at home work outs or if it's not too snowy where you are head for a walk.

4. Organization
Get everything ready. Gather your notes all together and past midterms and slideshows and group them all for the specified class. Unless you are a very organized human (I'm jealous, I wish I was) then you can pretty much skip this step. Making sure you're organized is important so when you are actually in study mode you're not getting up in the middle of it to look for that one loose lead you seem to be missing that has everything important on it.

5. Skim the Notes
Have a simple read through your notes. This will help jog your memory and slowly information will start coming back to you.

6. Look up
Anything you're not sure, look it up. Get out the textbook, read that section and try and get a handle of what you're not sure of.

7. Review
Review your past midterm for the course. Re-write the English question you got wrong or redo all the problems from your math midterm till you get it right. And of course, if you're still not getting it try and talk to your instructor or prof. They should be glad to help you understand it.

8. Repeat
Continuing doing all these steps and something should eventually stick!

If you're lucky enough to be free of all responsibilities today get a start on studying! Good luck to everyone! What are your studying tips? Comment down below with some!

Jessie xx

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