Blogmas Day 8: Newfoundland Christmas Traditions

So, Newfoundland has some pretty interesting Christmas traditions. I thought I would share with you all today just so you have a little bit more background on the place I call home.

1. Mummering
If you search Newfoundland Christmas traditions the first thing that will come up is probably Mummering. Mummering is the act of men and women dressing up in weird costumes, covering up their faces, bringing music, and ugly sticks with them and going around to people's houses dancing and carrying on. Sometimes they'll make people guess who they are as well. There is also the very Newfoundland Christmas song known as "The Mummer's Song". The link leads you to a YouTube video of the song. It's kind of interesting and gives you an idea of what Mummering is all about.

2. Tibb's Eve
I spoke about Tibb's Eve last year in this post. It is essentially when you get together with friends and family on December 23rd. It's a great bit of fun.

3. Throwing a Flaming Log
Some people bring yule logs into their home. Other people back in the day in Newfoundland used to throw flaming logs over their house. Why you may ask? To protect their homes in the coming year from fire. This one isn't done too often anymore maybe because it was almost defeating the purpose. However, a little Newfoundland Christmas tibit none the less.

4. Midnight Mass
This is probably done in a lot of places, but if you're catholic many people will head to Christmas Eve midnight mass. Sometimes there will be additional singing and people occassionally have big family parties before the mass. Nice little family time.

5. Christmas Jigs Dinner
I don't know what it is, but Christmas Jigs Dinner is so much better than weekly Jigs Dinner. Maybe it's because of the turkey? However, it is so good. You have your turkey, salt meat, potatoes, turnip, carrots, cabbage, stuffing, peas pudding, and gravy. It is so good.

So, that's all five Newfoundland Christmas Traditions I'm sharing with you. Have you heard of any of these before or what is your hometown's Christmas Traditions? Let me know in the comments down below!

I hope you are all having a wonderful day and I will see you again tomorrow!

Jessie xoxo

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