Convocation Day

So, this week I had my convocation. Finally, after 5 years I'm finished my degree in business. It was fun and okay and I am so happy it is over. For now anyway, until I decide to do my masters. Here are some pictures from it with me looking like a goof ball:

So, what I actually wore to this thing underneath that massive gown and hat was a lovely fit and flare dress from Envy. It has a watercolor aspect to it and I love it. And also some white wedges from Payless from the brand name American Eagle. I managed to get these $60 dollar shoes for $20 so that was for sure a steal. I didn't wear a necklace like I normally do since there was already so much color to the dress and I gave my hair a quick curl. For makeup I went with only a light amount. I did my usual makeup routine with a little more blush and eye make up. For my lips I used NYX suede liquid lipstick in soft spoken. It's like a darker lip color and smells great. So, here are some pictures of that look if you happened to not see the one at the beginning.

Also, the day after convocation I headed into town to the local Cabot Ford and picked up my brand new car. Yup, it's mine all mine. Like a grad gift to me for the next 7 years. It's a lovely blue color and it's so big. I'm still getting used to it, but I love it.

Overall, this has been a huge week in my life. I can't believe everything that has happened this week. Adulthood has been really hitting me hard in the face, I feel so much older now and maybe slightly like a person who is turning 23 next month. If this roll can continue it would be great. Now it's time to celebrate next week and get back into working.

Life is great and I'm so excited for what comes next.

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